It is the question I’ve always received, whenever I am telling people I am doing yoga for a long time. To be honest, NO, I am not!
I did not like, red meat, egg, milk, all seafood from my childhood. When my parent asked me to eat them and told me they are good for my health, sometimes I ate them and after that, I was experiencing bad feelings in my body. Later, I’ve found some people are vegetarian and they don’t eat meat and any product from animals. I became interested and was thinking I have a talent for that and wanted to try it. I failed, and I could not continue that diet. Yes, I did not eat red meat that much before but I used to eat chicken or cheese and I was very interested in them.
In the yoga school I used to go to before, we signed a contract to stop eating meat, drinking coffee or tea or alcohol and stop smoking. The teacher believed, they infused artificial energy into our bodies and manipulate our neural network, and as we wanted to gain energy from the source we have to stop eating them from now on. For me, all of them were ok, as I was not interested in them but stop eating chicken was somehow challenging. I stopped eating that and again I could not continue that diet.
Recently, I’ve joined a new yoga school. The teacher never asked us to eat what and stop eating what. But Always she asked us to be aware of what we are eating and telling us, our spirit will get connected to the spirit of what we are eating. From the beginning of the class, I tried to be vegetarian but sometimes I ate chicken as my body asked me for that. Last weekend we had a class with a lot of wonderful women. It was so intense and I’ve received a lot of energy from the source. The level of energy in my body has changed. Now whenever I see any kind of meat, egg or heavy food, I feel bad and can not even smell them. Very beautiful! As my body get connected to the source more, the energy level in my body goes upper and now I need lighter food.
Before, I always had this question: how people can survive with that much food? And now I understand how! As we become lighter and get connected to the source, we cannot eat heavy food anymore.
I love the way our teacher is treating us now. We are not FORCED to eat what, but we are ENCOURAGED to listen to our body and get connected to it and the source. As soon as we could receive energy from the source we can not embody heavy food anymore as it is too much for our body at that state. When we become more intimate and get connected to the source, we can only eat and embody lighter food.
Finally, I’ve found how people are surviving on that much food :)
In fact, everything is great and accepted as long as they are serving us; Any food, any relationship, any collaboration and any place. And whenever they won’t serve us and become heavy for us, our body gonna reject them automatically. As Simple as That!
No need to force yourself for accepting and rejecting anything anymore. You need only try to get connected to the source, and it gonna guide you, into whatever is serving you in the state you are.