Our minds so easily will stick to stories from our past and to unknown stories about the future. Our mind needs to be busy and can’t stay in the present moment if the present doesn't offer something new and exciting.
When our present moment is routine, our mind put all our actions and reactions into autopilot and starts to become busy by going to the past or future. But what if we offer it something new in the present moment?
Today I was thinking of all the times I was so deep in the present moment and I found it was always when I was trying something new. Whenever I was trying a new activity, eating a new thing, or going to a new place, my body and my mind were so present and focused.
I am reviewing my life, and I found the first time I was experiencing something, it was the most joyful time because of all the new things it was offering and keeping me in the present moment. It is also the reason for happiness in our childhood. As most of our experiences were new, we were fully present and full of happiness.
I found trying something new regularly, is the best tool to connect us to the present moment. I am trying to do something new each week and encourage you to do so and see how much present moment, joy and happiness it will bring for you and your loved ones.